
Sunday, August 08, 2010

A change in this journal

3 things are going to be changing in this journal.

1st - This is now a journal about my "normal" relationship, family, friends, and how the three are meeting each other and how my life is becoming more full.

2nd - More Pagan / Wicca enteries. More about my beliefs and how I express them. More pictures of my altar and my gardens.

3rd - My new therapy. A lot of entries about DBT will be coming up as I change therapists and learn new ways of dealing with my stressors and such.

I hope that those who already follow my thoughts, continue to. I also hope that others will join in reading about my life, my beliefs and my experiences.

Welcome to Ljouney's Travels, the continuing saga of my life.


magdala said...

I love the new look, it goes well with the new way of looking at things :)

Wendy said...

Thanks magdala. I like all the changes going on for me.