Therapy is going well. I am getting along with the group and learning more and more skills. My individual therapy is also going well. Karen and I are now moving to the point where I get to experience an emotion, for a controlled amount of time, and discuss how it felt. It is hard getting used to opening myself up like that. Unlike with Sandy, I trust Karen to not let me get away with going "intellectual" when I need to be emotional.
It seems I have mastered a number of the main skills. My favourite is One Mindfully. It is like meditating on what I am doing without any outward distractions. Even putting laundry away is different with this skill. Another is called Self Sooth. Having a bath with oils or bubbles. Doing my nails. Having a cup of tea. All these are self soothing things that can bring me back down to a peaceful space. I like learning this stuff. I didn't think I would, but I really am.

I am still seeing my puppy. He is fun. He is a distraction. He is safe.
The MIT is still, slowly, moving backwards. He is getting more and more unstable. Pictures are going to have to come down soon, so none get broken as He stumbles into the walls. His health has also diminished. He has been sick since the middles of September, and can't seem to shake what He has. Since He has been so sick, so have I.
Right now, my health sucks. I have a bad cough, and can't seem to shake it. Tomorrow is the doctor's to see if my chest has cleared up, or gotten worse.

Samhain was nice. I hung bones in my tree. I did what I wanted to do. I served a good dinner. I am sad I celebrated alone. The MIT wasn't even here for it. I did it for me. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed preparing for the night. I enjoyed writing my regrets and burning them. I enjoyed forgiving myself, and letting things go.
Tonight I can say that things are good. I am content.
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