First was His waking up to me singing. He didn't like that. Then there was my Sis showing up singing to Him. We kept the rest of His routine normal. No point upsetting the basket anymore than it had to be. He came home in a mood though.
He was mad that everyone said "happy birthday" to Him. He was mad that His EA's wrote "happy birthday" in His communication book. He was mad it was His birthday. He was mad that things weren't normal. He didn't want dinner. He didn't eat all His lunch. He didn't want to sit in the living room. He did what He is allowed to do, when He is upset. He went to His room and watched some of His new movies and calmed down.
While He was doing that, i kept up my end of His birthday celebration. i ordered in Swiss Chalet. i made sure He knew i was doing so. i let Him take His time in calming down. i ate dinner alone after asking Him if that was ok. i made sure there was dinner for Him when He was ready.
It took until 6:30 before He emerged from His room. He came and cuddled with me and we got to talking about what was happening at that time 16 years ago. We talked about how long it took me to go into labour. We talked about when i was rushed into surgery. We talked about how He didn't want to be born and they had to pull Him out of me. He really liked hearing that. We called my parents to find out, from them, what they were doing at that time. He got to hear all about that day 16 years ago. We even looked threw His baby book together. At 7:20, we were watching Charmed, and He saw His watch and said "I am born now". It was really cute.
This morning was much better. This morning was back to His normal. No surprises. No changes. Same old, same old. He likes that much better.
i am just glad He made it to 16. Hopefully we have a few more birthdays left.

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