Meals are going to be easy. Tonight is hamburger and hotdogs. Saturday is eggs, bacon, sausages, then salmon and tuna sandwiches, then hamburgers and hotdogs. Sunday is pancakes. i have a feeling i will want something warmer. i am thinking of packing the dutch oven and making stew or something for Saturday dinner for me. Something warm i can wrap my hands around. Then again, i could just bring what is frozen in my freezer from the last time i made stew.
It is funny how excited the MIT is about this. i think it is the undevided, non-electronic distraction idea of it all. If i could figure out a way to get Dad to go camping in November, i wouldn't mind going next month. Then again, i would also get to complain about how cold it is, and will have to master dutch oven cooking.
Last weekend was hell. MIT had a 3 hour seizure. We didn't take Him to hospital. Instead my Mom looked after Him while i went to a Magic tournament with M. i just couldn't let Thelma look after Him. She has no idea of all the different types of seizures there are, and wouldn't know what to do with Him. So in comes Mom and Dad to the rescure, so i could have some i looked after baby girl the entire time and it was nice. i like relating to a 2 year old when i am stressed out. That is all we did. We played inside the Beast. We had lunch together, and we waited for her father. After that, we headed back to Welland. It was nice there too.
When the MIT came home, He seems just fine. Mom did say that He was lathargic after the seizures were over, for almost 5 hours.
This week i was a good girl. i had my blood work done. i hate getting blood work done. i am waiting on the results. i have to call the diabetic clinic so i have enough meds to last me until the section 8 comes through. The government takes so long.
Not being able to see M this weekend is killing me. i am actually really missing Him. Yes i saw Him last weekend, along with baby girl, and then later with La, but still, i miss Him. i miss Him here, alone with me. We won't be getting that time together next weekend. Next weekend is going to the Niagara party. Well maybe. We talked about it last night, and it might work out that we get alone time that night. i miss alone time.
He wants to get me comfortable about sitting on His lap without freaking out. Yes He is a big boy, but still, i don't like it. i feel like i will crush Him. Like i will hurt His leg. Like i will kill Him or something. Logically, i know it won't be that way. Hell, He can lift me up. There is just something i can't wrap my head around. He wants to work on it with me, because He wants to cuddle like that, especially at His place, where there isn't a couch. We will figure it out.
As of right now, i am going to head off to bed, so i can be lively around noon, head off to get gas and smokes, then be ready for Dad to be here and pack up the van. Then, once the MIT gets home, we are off to camping.
Wish us luck and hope, for my sake, i actually bring enough stuff to keep us warm.
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