
Wednesday, July 02, 2014

I am back!

It has been over a year since I have been here. I actually just figured out how to get back and enter a post. So quick updates and highlights.

March 2013
• My son turned 21

June 2013
• My son finished high school, made it through his graduation, then ended up in Hospital

August 2013
• Finally went to trial for my rape case. He was found guilty of assault and sentenced to 30 days in jail plus 1 year probation. He spent weekends in jail until the 30 days were completed and spent the rest of the weeks on probation

October 2013
• Son's seizures got so bad we were at the hospital every other week so his neurologist sent him for genetics testing

November 2013
• I got pneumonia on the 28th (this is the last thing I remember)

December 2013
• On the 2nd my Son called my Mom and I was taken to hospital by ambulance because I was non responsive.  I was septic, my kidneys had failed and was placed in a coma, intubated, and put on dialysis.  I coded and was brought back in less than 3 minutes. They took me off the coma medication after 2 days.
• I didn't start to wake up until 8 days off the meds. I still don't remember anything,  so am only telling what I have been told.
• I had 3 more hours to live before I was taken to the hospital, and even then I had a 1/3 chance of dying.
• I was in the hospital for a total of 21 days
• A1C = 13.8

January 2014
• I became strong enough to have my Son move back home with me but had to call my family if he went full blown
• I still needed a walker even in the house
• I saw the kidney doctor and was told kidneys were all better. It could happen again
• A1C = 10.3

February 2014
• I graduated to a cane and started receiving care for my bed sore
• The results of my son's genetic testing came back. He has been misdiagnosed for 22 years. He has something called Dystonia 12. He started a new medication and we have not had to call an ambulance since

March 2014
• I turned 44 years old
• No more cane. Still not driving. Had a CT to check if I had a stroke in December. Still chance I have some brain damage from the code in December
• My Son turned 22

April 2014
• I got bronchitis and was set back a month
• A1C = 8.3

May 2014
• Joined the YMCA and attend 2 classes a week with other diabetics.

June 2014
• Left lower leg swells and I stop peeing. I keep drinking but nothing shows up in my bladder. It takes 2 weeks for me to pee properly and not show signs of dehydration
• A1C = 8.4
• Stress increased because neighbours plot to get rid of my dog Charlie, which caused my blood sugars to rise above 30

I am ok. I made it past my rape anniversary by going to my parent's and hanging there. My son and I have a routine we like and are comfortable with.  I hardly order in anymore.  I am cooking more. I am still going to the Y twice a week. I am practicing driving now, getting ready to have my van back. I am more social

A bunch has happened. I have survived. I will continue to survive. I am serious about my diabetes and overall health.

All it took was getting sick and being in a coma.

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