
Monday, October 16, 2006

Ein Prosit!!

So Saturday's Oktoberfest celebration was wonderful.  A great group of friends, lots of food, lots of drinks, lots of laughs.  i even have video of most of the evening.  Oh and pictures.  Lots and lots of pictures.  i am burning everyone a copy of the video and of the pictures so they can all remember Heino-palooza  fondly.  We even had a party game.  See who could melt a chocolate truffle between their boobs first.  E and S tied.  D didn't have enough boob to really push them together.  i am more cold blooded than everyone else.  i couldn't melt the truffle between my boobs.  Plus no one to lick it off.  Oh well, no biggy.

On Sunday, i wasn't hung over (though i should have been) i just felt kind of lazy, and then i decided to concentrate on burning the movie for everyone.  First i had to figure out how to edit the movie so it would fit on CD's (i had over 3 hours worth).  That took a while.  Once that was figured out, i started burning the evidence.  i am still at it.  i have 5 sets to make, and i am now starting Part 2 for each set.  5 CD's down, 10 more to go. 

Yesterday was also cleaning day.  i did as much as i could, but there is still stuff here for P&E to take home, and a couple souvenirs for L&D, and S.  When the MIT came home, He had a blast pulling down all the streamers and balloons and then popped every one of the balloons in the house.  If He had of used a pin, i would have been quicker, but He needed to squeeze them all.  The squeaky squeeze did bother me a bit. 

Today was all about getting over being tired.  i was so busy the last couple of days, i hardly slept and i am so tired out.  Yes i have kept busy, so i haven't had time to think about how i am doing emotionally, and yes for me that is a good thing, but i also know that now i am more relaxed, the emotions could come out again.  i even had a big panic attack yesterday.  hyperventilated and everything.  Even to the point that i needed to lie down.  i survived.  Yes i got scared, and worried, and thought of calling someone because i was so scared, but i breathed and self-talked through it. 

Wednesday i have to go to welfare.  It is an almost yearly excursion, but each year i get nervous about it.  i have so much stuff to gather together.  Old bills, old bank statements.  Tenant agreements.  Lots of stuff to gather.  Even just thinking about it now is making me panic.  i hate going to welfare.  Hate it. 

OK, this post is feeling like what is inside my head.  Convoluted and jumbled and bouncing from one thing to the next.  Since the MIT is here i will be off to make tuna salad.  Enough so i don't have to worry about what i am packing for His lunch tomorrow.  Off i go. 

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did amazing!

You put on a terrific party and even though we all abandonded you to clean it yourself, you never once, cursed any of us in this post....LOL...and you bloody well should have.

We are all lacklusters and you are brilliant!

You are also loved!