
Sunday, December 02, 2007

Christmas / Yule wish list

Dear Santa.

I have been a good girl this year. I have continued with my reflexology. I have taken time for myself. I have enjoyed my time with the MIT. I have kept seeing my therapist. Yes i have a few things to work on, like being there for my friends, and leaving the house more often. Over all, I think I have had a good year.

For Christmas I would like:
  1. gift certificate from White Flame Company (candles, candles and more candles)
  2. gift certificate from Chapters (books, books, and more books)
  3. living room blinds (not going to happen
  4. pj's, pj's and more pj's
  5. my dream lafuma chair (not going to happen)
  6. new coffee table
  7. my friends to not struggle so much
  8. for everyone to learn how to mosey and enjoy it
Thank you for looking at my list, and I hope you have a good month, and a great vacation after the season is over.


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