
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March Break

i am back to not getting much sleep. The MIT has been off school since Friday. i did have a break Saturday night (thanks Mom and Dad), but that is it. Yesterday i made sure i had stuff to do around the house so i could keep myself up. Dishes, laundry, easy cleaning stuff. Today has been the same. i can't remember the last time i did dishes 2 days in a row, along with laundry 2 days in a row. Everything is caught up. Hopefully i will dirty some dishes between now and tomorrow, so i can look forward to doing that.

i did get some happy news yesterday. my summer is looking up. Well, it was. Then i got to remembering. Remembering and looking through pictures. i have to keep reminding myself that remembering is ok. It isn't the end of the world. Lack of sleep and remembering sucks. i know i have pictures somewhere from 2003, and 2002. i just can't find them. i want them. i want to look at them and remember more. i just can't find them. i didn't have a digital back then. He did. i don't have a CD of His that has those memories on them. i remember having my film camera back then. i thought i had taken pictures with that camera. i can't find them. Maybe the film is lost. i can't remember that part.

i am stuck in memory mode, with the MIT home and His being bored all the time. i am broke since buying His birthday gift. i still haven't had a chance to get together with my friends to clear up the misunderstanding. i am feeling very stuck.

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