
Thursday, July 14, 2005

Mike and Me - Thu, 14 Jul 2005

WEll, i haven't written here in a while, but that is for a couple of reasons. 1st : since you asked about putting in comments, and i changed that option so you could, you havn't. Heck, i doubt you have even read anything since then. 2nd : some of the stuff i would write, would probubly make you upset. i know that shouldn't stop me, i guess, but it has.

Entered: Wednesday, 20 July 2005 - 08:50 EDT
Name: Mike
Comment: Hi sweetie. I know I have been neglecting this but I'll try and keep up on it. I know you have things that you want to say that might upset me and I think I know some of them. I hope this week has been better so far. I know its only beed 3 days into the week but I enjoyed Monday night and I know I enjoyed last night. Love you very much.

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