
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tired and not feeling good

i am so tired. i could head back to bed right now, and be able to pass out for the entire day, and then be able to sleep straight through the night. my throat hurts. i am all stuffed up. Most of all, my throat hurts.

It hurts to swallow any of my meds. It hurts to swallow what i want to drink. It just plain hurts. i would love to just crawl back into bed and sleep.

Instead, i have got to go and get my health card renewed. It is that time of year again. i also have to get the MIT's renewed. i also have to finish up some paperwork for the government today. So here is my plan

go hop in the shower and go get E so we can both get our health cards
depending on time, go and get D so the three of us can go to aquafit
drop everyone off at their homes
go to Staples and price a new printer
maybe buy a new printer
come home and work on government stuff
finish government stuff
go to post government stuff
pickup diet pepsi
come home again
MIT comes home
entertain MIT until nurse gets here
crawl into bed as soon as the nurse gets here

Ok, there is my plan. Guess we will see how it goes. i just so hate being sick

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