
Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tonight is another munch night

Before i talk about tonight, i figured i would fill in what happened yesterday.

So E and i did get our health cards done. That took a lot shorter amount of time than we both thought. We then went and did Aquafit. Yes we did. i had tried to warn her about what she would see, what type of people would be there. i think i did a good job. She did come out of the "class" as feeling younger and healthier. So did i. Yes i made a couple bad jokes (name that melanoma, identify that mole, do your boobs hang lower than hers). Nothing more than i would do when i was younger and taking such a class when the MIT was a baby. There were more men there than either of us thought there would be. At least we felt like very young at the end of it all. Both of us had a reaction to the chlorine in the pool. mine was redish, itchy skin. Hers was blotchy red skin. No showering there for us. We will go to our own homes to shower off the offending chemical. i know i felt much better after i had a shower.

i didn't end up going to E's when the nurse was here. i should have, but i had a bunch of government papers to deal with. They are all done, so i don't really have to worry about it today. Speaking of today, it is going to be a pretty easy day for me. A little grocery shopping, maybe look for a new bra. Other than that, take it easy and wait for tonight.

Tonight is the Hamilton munch. i am not looking forward to it. i don't think E is either. Maybe P will be able to make it tonight. If so, it could be more fun. E and i together can only cause so much trouble. Add in P's sarcastic sense of humour and it can be much more fun. i still worry about running into certain people, and not being able to be strong if i see them. i know i am stronger than i was a few months ago.

The memories of Mike are much easier to deal with. i can feel joy when i speak of His quirks. i can laugh at some of the stuff that He would do. my thoughts don't go so much to the missing Him as much. That makes me feel guilty. Part of me thinks it is ok to miss Him less, but then i feel like i am forgetting Him. i am not ready to forget Him.

Ok, lots of thoughts that i don't really need this morning. Time for some smiles.

  • The MIT is doing well in math and i am not having to hear how much He hates it.
  • The MIT let Himself in after school yesterday and came to tell me He was home. (i was sleeping)
  • i have loads of pictures from the trip to get printed. i don't know if i will be doing it myself, or if i will be taking the disk someplace to get them printed. i also don't know if i want to put them online in my flicker account. i will have to think on that one.
  • i am feeling better today, and feel like i have more energy this morning. Could it be a side effect of the aquafit yesterday? Who knows.
  • i am still struggling about being submissive to anyone. i am not ready to go looking for a relationship. i feel stuck as far as that goes. Yes i am craving to serve, and craving to feel a cane on my ass, and craving to be cut. i just don't know how to get it.
Well, i guess that is all today. i hope everyone has a good Thursday.

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